Pimsleur French. Level 1, Lessons 1-5Pimsleur French. Level 1, Lessons 1-5
Learn to Speak and Understand French With Pimsleur Language Programs
Title rated 5 out of 5 stars, based on 1 ratings(1 rating)
eAudiobook, 2018
Current format, eAudiobook, 2018, Unabridged, All copies in use.eAudiobook, 2018
Current format, eAudiobook, 2018, Unabridged, All copies in use. Offered in 0 more formatsThis course includes Lessons 1-5 from the French Level 1 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak French. Reading Lessons begin in Lesson 2 and provide you with an introduction to reading French. A Reading Booklet is included with your download. Learning the sound of each letter alone and in culturally distinct combinations allows your brain to process what you're hearing in the audio lessons from a new and different perspective. It's a powerful combination that makes Pimsleur different from every other method on the market. The French Language French is spoken by 55 million speakers in France, 3 million in Belgium, 1.5 million in Switzerland, 6.5 million in Canada, and 5 million in former French and Belgian colonies. It is an official language in 44 countries and an official language of the United Nations. An estimated 50 million people around the world speak French as a second language.
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- New York : PIMSLEUR, 2018.
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