Adults 18 and up. Craft and create with your library community. All skill levels welcome. Bring your own work in progress and join your neighbors in an afternoon of creating and chatting.
Join Brookdale Library’s Teen Tech Squad and explore STEAM activities! You are encouraged to drop in and participate in a different activity every session led by our Teen Tech Squad. These fun workshops are the perfect opportunity to engage…
Drop in for fun and creative STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) experiments and projects! Materials provided. Led by Brooklyn Park Library’s Teen Tech Squad. Collaborator: Teen Tech Squad. Sponsor: Friends of the…
For people at all skill levels. Make new friends while creating your own handmade masterpieces! Drop in or stay the entire time. Learn how to knit or practice new techniques. Bring your own needles and yarn, please. Other needlecrafts…
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Learn about the history and power of the printing press as a tool for sharing information, and experience using a printing press while printing a unique message! As a group, choose a word or short phrase of up to three words (this could be…
Registration required (15 spots remaining)Register for event Bring your own knitting, quilting, cross stitching or other preferred craft and craft together with others. The group meets every Wednesday in the Wayzata Library Meeting Room.
Adults 18 and up. Craft and create with your library community. All skill levels welcome. Bring your own work in progress and join your neighbors in an afternoon of creating and chatting.
Don’t have a project going already? We will…
Drop in for fun and creative STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) experiments and projects! Materials provided. Led by Franklin Library’s Teen Tech Squad.
Join us for a new craft or bring your own knitting, beading, felting or other craft project to work on. Meet other local crafters and share in the joy of making cool things. Drop in or stay the entire time. Limit 15.
Looking for a way to reduce some stress and unwind? Join us for a relaxing coloring hour every second Thursday of the month. Listen to calming music, meet new people, and color your heart away. No experience needed. Materials provided.…
Adult Art and Craft Meet-Up. Work on your own projects in a supportive atmosphere – no pressure, no critique. A few minutes' introduction, then we work with quiet conversation or music. Please only bring/use non-toxic supplies…
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PreK-grade 5. Join us and make a valentine card for someone special. Drop in or stay the entire time. Materials provided. Sponsor: Friends of the Hennepin County Library.
Drop in for fun and creative STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) experiments and projects! Materials provided. Led by Cedar Riverside Opportunity Center's Teen Tech Squad. Collaborator: Teen Tech Squad.
Craft, create, and connect with your library community. We encourage you to bring your current projects – any and all portable crafts with library-safe materials are welcome!
Don’t have a project going already? Washburn Library…
Join our crafting community and come to Roosevelt Library on Thursday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m.! This is an opportunity to connect and learn from each other over our creative endeavors.
We encourage you to bring your current projects. Any…
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Grades 2-5. Take recycled objects, bits and scraps that others might call “junk,” follow Z Puppets’ formula for creative experimentation, mix in your imagination and Voila! Eureka! Zoinks! You may invent a fantastic gizmo or…
Registration required (8 spots remaining)Register for event - ,
Bring your needlepoint, knit and crochet projects and get acquainted. Help us create an Uptown community of needle crafters. Drop in or stay the entire time. Everyone is welcome.
Learn about the history and cultural significance of Jogakbo, a Korean patchwork sewing technique, with teaching artist Jae Veenstra. Then, make a Jogakbo project of your own, with each week building on skills from the previous week.
Registration fullJoin waitlist- ,Online event
Learn the basics of what constitutes a “pitch”, or how to tell the story of your work to potential collaborators, funders and other stakeholders. Clarify the important elements of your pitch, practice your pitch and get feedback…
Registration closes February 15 at 12:00pm (1 spot remaining)Register for event Are you experiencing screen fatigue? Come practice vintage social media with us! We’ll supply stamps, stationery, pens, and letter-writing inspiration. Bring an address or two and come put your thoughts on paper. Sponsor: Friends…