If you like nonfiction like "The 48 Laws of Power"
Kissinger, Henry, 1923-2023
Sun Tzu's the Art of War
Katz, Pete (Artist)
The 50th Law
50 Cent (Musician)
The Modern Political Tradition
Episode 3, Machiavelli's New Order
The Daily Laws
Greene, Robert
The Art of Worldly Wisdom
Gracián y Morales, Baltasar, 1601-1658
Fear Is Just A Four-letter Word
Tutor, Tracy
The Creative Act
Rubin, Rick
The Power of Persuasion
Klaas, Brian, 1986-
Trillion Dollar Coach
The Art of War
Sunzi, active 6th century B.C.
Skinner, Quentin
Women & Power
Beard, Mary, 1955-
Trials of Henry Kissinger
The Book of Five Rings
Miyamoto, Musashi, 1584-1645
Requiem for the American Dream
Chomsky, Noam
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180
Cialdini, Robert B.
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Kahneman, Daniel, 1934-2024