Foundation documents and Federal and local governments
Understanding the US Government
Milestone Documents in American History
Exploring the Primary Sources That Shaped America
The Bill of Rights Primer
Amar, Akhil Reed
Words That Built A Nation
Miller, Marilyn, 1946-
Declaration of Independence and the United States Constit...
United States
What Does the Constitution Say?
Sheehan, Ben
Supreme Court Decisions (1803-2017)
The Supreme Court
Sonneborn, Liz
Lincoln Speeches
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Common Sense
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809
Democracy in America
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 1805-1859
Books That Matter: The Federalist Papers
Son, John
Understanding the US Government
Victor, Jennifer Nicoll
The Infographic Guide to American Government
Lytle, Carissa
For Which We Stand
Foster, Jeff, 1971-
The Presidency
Kellaher, Karen
The Presidential Cabinet
McAuliffe, Bill
The U.S. Congress
McDaniel, Melissa, 1964-
Native American Governments
Machajewski, Sarah